Spiritual Life » Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

The religious goals of Holy Family Catholic School are to:
- Develop in each student, the knowledge of a loving God
-Develop within each student, an appreciation of the Mass, Sacraments, Scriptures, Service, and Prayer as vital and beautiful expressions of Christian life
-Guide each student in developing religious values including the realization that actions of love toward others are a means of expressing God's presence in self and others
Prayer Life at Holy Family Catholic School
HFCS students begin each day with the Children’s Daily Prayer outside as a whole school during good weather. In the winter we pray in the gym. Prayers are also said before and after lunch, and at the end of each school day.
“It is essential to begin the practice of prayer with a firm resolution of persevering in it.”
—St. Teresa of Avila
Catholic Schools Week is celebrated mid-winter and follows the NCEA theme. Events during this week focus on that theme and include spelling bees, a grandparents’ lunch and a talent show. Please refer to the school calendar for scheduling details.
Each week we celebrate Mass as a school (Kindergarten-8th grade). Masses are held across the street at Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM). Twice a year we celebrate Mass in downtown Grand Junction at St. Joseph Catholic Church. We celebrate a very special mass at St. Joseph's for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  It features the Azteca dancers. We also go to St. Joseph Catholic Church.  Parents drop their students off at St. Joseph's before Mass and a school bus brings them back to Holy Family.
It is always a treat when Bishop Stephen Berg visits Grand Junction, as he always makes time to celebrate Mass with us and visit our campus.
Since the pandemic, we have had some of school Masses outdoors.
Early in October, we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi by bringing in our pets for a special blessing. All of us love to bring in our pets and show them off to our teachers and classmates, so this is always a very special day in the life of Holy Family. 
Another feast we celebrate in October is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.  We celebrate with a Living Rosary.  A student represents each bead of the Rosary and says the prayers that are associated with that bead.
Every year on Holy Thursday, the 8th grade students prepare the Living Stations and lead the school community in praying this important Lenten tradition. The band provides musical interludes between the Stations.
During the month of May, the 8th grade class will crown Mary as part of a special Mass.  All of the other classes also participate in crowning Mary during Morning Prayer in the courtyard.  Each day a different class takes their turn.  It is amazing to see all the boys and girls dressed in their Sunday best as part of this tradition honoring Mary.
Throughout the year, the school participates as a whole in special events such as the Advent and Lenten Penance services, Advent/Christmas Pageant,